Monday, August 27, 2007


Just in case, you haven't seen this, here goes: YMCA by Village People, rendered into NMKY by Gregorius. I don't know who the hell this guy is and I sure don't remember this from the Hepskukkuu show, but it's hilarious anyway. (And it was intended as a parody in the beginning - so don't get any wrong ideas about Finns being totally without any wit.)


Tosikko said...

I'm extremely relieved to learn it was intended as parody. Apparently the Armi & Danny classic wasn't.

Juri said...

Well, at least it's humour. Maybe the Armi & Danny hit was, too, you never know about us sly Slavonians...

Unknown said...

Does anybody can help me to find the lyrics of this song NMKY.
If you can please contact me by e-mail :
It's for a french tv show. Thank you.